Sean Blix of Rainmaker Investment Advisory and Jamaica Zarchekoff of Invico Capital Corporation have a Candid Conversation in-which Jamaica provides insights into the various roles which females play in the leadership and oversight within Invico corporation.
Invico Capital Corporation is an award-winning Canadian firm which is a registered Portfolio Manager (PM) and Investment Fund Manager (IFM). Invico currently has in excess of $1 Billion under management as the Investment Fund Manager of 8 funds. Every person on the Invico team participates in the success of Invico, however, the company is somewhat unique because it is has a lot of females on the team; over 65% of the team is female. Which is great, and together they are accomplishing great things!
For investors, the Invico Diversified Income Fund provides a target annual return of 7% which is paid monthly. And, investors share in the equity growth of the fund’s Net Asset Value (NAV). The NAV is calculated quarterly and the split is 80% to investors and 20% to Invico.
Click to learn more about Invico Diversified Income Fund and how it can add value to your portfolio.
I present Candid Conversations to give investors and prospects a human connection, per se, with the characters involved in the day-to-day management of the private companies my clients invest into, as well as various industry participants I interact with. On an on-going basis, Candid Conversations provide very valuable insights when combined with data, offering documents, and marketing materials.
Thank you for taking the time to watch this Candid Conversation. You are encouraged to arrange your own 15 minute Candid Conversation with me, Sean Blix, via Of course, our conversation will be private and not published. But, it will give us a chance to be candid and authentic with each other to see how I can help you.