* With every investment, there are risks which may or may not effect your decision to invest. Always read the offering documents. * The target rates, historical data and dates provided can all be referenced back to the Fund Facts sheet and offering documents for each respective investment. The Fund Facts and documents are available on this website by logging in and viewing each respective investment. You can view and download all offering documents. * Any references to % rates of return, or a length of time, are always to be considered as targets set by management of each investment. The management will strive to achieve their respective targets and may have a history of achieving these targets, however, there are no guarantees these will be achieved in the future. Actual profits may be higher or lower. No investment is guaranteed to achieve its targets or protect invested capital. * Rates are net of fees. * Target and historical figures were last updated : 06 August 2024
Sentinel Financial Management has been in business for over 40 years and conducts the due diligence on each investment before and during the time which any investment is available to invest into.